Singing & Playing Guitar - A Beginner's Guide (with Henry Olsen)

podcast Sep 21, 2024

The fact that you're listening to this podcast tells me that you might be a passionate singer, right? :)

Many singers I work with have the goal to accompany themselves on the guitar so that they can sing any song they like in any key.

Well... In this episode you'll learn from our guest expert, Henry Olsen, how to start that beautiful journey!

Oh, and at the end you'll hear how generous Henry is being by sharing a free Guitar challenge and course with you! You can get it through this link --> 

Can Anyone Learn to Play the Guitar?

Henry firmly believes that almost anyone can learn to play the guitar. He’s taught thousands of students over the years and shared that only one person in his experience truly couldn’t do it. For the vast majority of people, the challenge isn’t talent—it’s consistency and mindset. He acknowledges that there are different levels of talent, but passion and dedication are far more important than natural ability.

One of the things that really stood out in our conversation was the encouragement to start slow. Henry emphasizes that beginners should focus on learning a few simple chords before tackling more complex techniques like bar chords. In fact, he’s designed a free beginner’s guitar course specifically for singers like us who want to accompany ourselves.

The Sandwich Practice Method

Henry introduced me to his unique “Sandwich Practice Method,” a structured approach to practicing guitar:

  1. Start with something easy to warm up and build confidence.
  2. Work on more challenging material during the middle of your practice.
  3. End with something simple to reinforce progress and leave the session feeling accomplished.

I love how this method makes practice feel manageable and positive, ensuring you end on a high note (pun intended!).

Do You Need to Read Music?

One of the most liberating ideas Henry shared is that you don’t need to know how to read music to play guitar. He explained how guitar playing is more about muscle memory and chord shapes than deciphering musical notes on a page. This reminded me of something I often say to my singers: You don’t need to be born with talent to sing—you just need passion and persistence. Similarly, guitar playing is about dedication, not reading ability.

Overcoming the Bar Chord Block

I confessed to Henry that I gave up guitar when I struggled with bar chords. For those of you who have hit the same wall, Henry’s advice is to avoid them at first. He recommends playing simple songs with basic chords, allowing yourself to build confidence and enjoy the instrument before tackling the more challenging techniques. When you're ready, Henry has a system that breaks down bar chords and makes them much more manageable. He even suggested using thinner strings and a capo to make playing easier—something I had never considered before.

The Power of the Capo

Speaking of capos, Henry explained how this simple tool can help singers find the perfect key for their voice without changing the chord shapes they’ve already learned. This is especially useful for singers who want to accompany themselves but need to adjust the key of a song to match their vocal range. A capo allows you to do that with ease, making it a must-have for any singing guitarist.

Practice for Results

Henry and I also talked about the importance of daily practice, even if it’s just 10-20 minutes a day. Consistent practice leads to progress, and it's key to mastering both singing and playing the guitar. Henry also shared how much he enjoys seeing his students post progress videos and engage with one another in the Super Simple Guitar community.

Join Henry’s Free 5-Day Guitar Bootcamp!

If you’re feeling inspired to start or restart your guitar journey like I am, Henry is offering a free 5-day live bootcamp starting on the 23rd of this month. This bootcamp is perfect for beginners and includes step-by-step lessons, live Q&A, and interactive sessions to help you get started on the right foot.

By joining, you’ll also get access to Henry’s free beginner guitar course, along with his picture chord book. If you’ve been on the fence about learning guitar or want to overcome that bar chord block like me, this is a fantastic opportunity:  

Final Thoughts

Henry’s passion for teaching and his approach to simplifying guitar playing make learning an exciting adventure. Whether you’re a singer wanting to accompany yourself or someone completely new to music, his methods make it accessible to all. I’m personally excited to dust off my guitar and give it another try.

Ready to start your guitar journey? Be sure to check out Henry’s free guitar course and join his bootcamp—link in the show notes!

Thanks for tuning in! I hope this inspires you to pick up the guitar and explore the joy of making music. Until next time!

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