Sing High Notes Without Pushing Your Voice

mindset vocal technique Aug 17, 2023

 Let's address a common misconception many singers have when singing high notes. People often believe that to hit those high pitches, they must sing louder and more forcefully. While this might seem logical, it's not always the case. 

When we sing or talk in the chest voice, that powerful, bold sound that we produce makes us want to carry that same intensity into higher pitches. However, this can lead to tension in our vocal cords and strain our voices. We must find a balanced approach to maintain our sound effectively.

To understand this better, let's talk about the two main muscle groups responsible for producing our sound when we sing. First, we have the chest voice muscle, which adds thickness and power to our vocal cords. It's like the engine behind the strong notes in our lower range.

Next, we have the head voice muscle, which stretches the vocal cords to achieve higher pitches. It provides flexibility and range to our voice. So, to sing highly powerful notes, we need to combine the strength of our chest voice muscle with the range and flexibility of our head voice muscle.

Now, how can we achieve this harmonious balance between the two muscles? The answer lies in developing what we call mixed voice. Mixed voice is about blending the head and chest voices, creating a seamless transition as we sing higher.

The first step is to ensure that the chest and head voice muscles are equally strong. If there's an imbalance, we must develop the weaker one. Singing exercises and songs designed for each register help achieve this balance.

Once you've built up the strength in both muscles, it's time to combine them. Transitioning between chest voice and head voice through exercises and songs will help these two muscles communicate better, leading to the emergence of your mixed voice.

Remember, it's perfectly normal if your head voice is initially less developed. We have a range of exercises to help you build it up, so don't worry!

If you're eager to dive deeper into vocal technique and discover more about mixed voice, I invite you to check out our free training,  "DISCOVER THE MOST POWERFUL VOCAL TECHNIQUE." It's packed with exercises and insights to activate your mixed voice effectively.

Your homework this week is to find a song that allows you to practice both chest voice and head voice and try to combine them within one piece. It's a fun and rewarding exercise that will bring you closer to mastering your mixed voice technique.

I hope this information has been helpful, and I encourage you to share your progress with us. Remember, you're not alone on this singing journey – we're here to support and guide you every step of the way.

Thank you for joining me again this week, and I genuinely appreciate your enthusiasm and support. If you enjoyed this content, subscribe to our YouTube channel, Singing Insiders, share it with your friends, and leave a review so we can reach more singers and spread the power of singing.

Until we meet again, keep practicing, stay passionate, and I'll see you soon for another exciting episode.