Sing High Notes Using “Cry”

vocal technique Aug 01, 2024

Singing high notes can be a challenge for many beginner singers. Maybe you're feeling hoarseness and tension when belting along with your favorite songs. What if I told you there is a magical vocal technique that can help you overcome all of this? Well... That's exactly what "cry" can do for you! 

Understanding the Challenge of High Notes

Singing high notes can be a daunting task for many singers, especially beginners. Often, the struggle arises from common misconceptions and mistakes that can lead to tension and hoarseness. It's crucial to recognize these pitfalls and approach singing with the right mindset.

Many beginner singers tend to push their voices higher, which can cause vocal strain. They may also believe that their vocal range is fixed and that natural talent is a prerequisite for singing high notes. This mindset can be discouraging, leading singers to shy away from challenging songs.

Additionally, the belief that mastering high notes requires years of practice can be a significant barrier. However, with the right techniques and understanding, singers can make remarkable progress in a short time.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

To navigate the journey of singing high notes successfully, it's essential to identify some common mistakes made by beginner singers:

  • Pushing the voice higher

  • Believing in fixed vocal ranges

  • Thinking talent is necessary

  • Assuming years of practice are required

  • Singing only in one vocal register

The Importance of Awareness

Awareness of these mistakes is the first step towards improvement. Recognizing that these beliefs may hinder your progress is empowering. It opens the door to exploring new techniques and methods that can help you achieve vocal freedom.

The Trained Singer vs. The Beginner

Understanding the difference between a trained singer and a beginner is vital. A trained singer knows that the voice is trainable and that it can be developed and refined over time. They actively work on transitioning between vocal registers, which is essential for singing high notes effectively.

Moreover, a trained singer recognizes that significant improvements can happen relatively quickly with the right techniques. This is where the concept of the "cry" technique comes into play.

Introducing the Cry Technique

The cry technique is a powerful method to help singers access their mix voice, which is crucial for hitting those high notes with ease. This technique mimics the natural placement of the voice when we cry, allowing for greater vocal flexibility.

What is Mix Voice?

Mix voice refers to the combination of chest voice and head voice. It enables singers to transition smoothly between registers, making high notes more accessible. The cry technique facilitates this transition by encouraging the natural use of vocal placement.

Applying the Cry Technique

To effectively apply the cry technique, start by embracing the emotion associated with crying. This involves exaggerating the sound and feeling of crying to find the right vocal placement. Here’s a simple exercise to help you get started:

  1. Imagine you're sad and create a sad vocal sound.

  2. Exaggerate the sound as if you're a puppy crying.

  3. Practice speaking in this "cry" voice, such as saying, "Oh, I'm so sad today."

Turning Emotion into Technique

Once you feel comfortable with the cry position, it's time to integrate it into your singing. Choose a song that has higher notes, such as "One Moment in Time" by Whitney Houston.

Begin by singing the song normally to familiarize yourself with the melody and rhythm. Then, apply the cry technique while singing, focusing on the emotional delivery. This may feel different, but it is essential for discovering new vocal possibilities.

Switching Between Registers

As you practice, pay attention to how the cry technique allows you to switch between chest voice and head voice. This natural transition is key to mastering high notes. Here are some tips for switching registers effectively:

  • Identify where your voice naturally switches registers.

  • Listen for signs of tension or hoarseness.

  • Adjust your technique to minimize strain.

Finding Your Unique Voice

Every singer is different, and finding your unique vocal path is essential. Experiment with where you switch registers and how you apply the cry technique. This personalization will help you connect with your voice more deeply.

Refining Your Technique

As you become more comfortable with the cry technique and mix voice, the next step is to refine your sound. Focus on making your singing sound more polished while maintaining the emotional intensity of the cry technique.

Continued Learning and Growth

Vocal growth is a continuous journey. Exploring additional resources, such as tutorials and exercises focused on mix voice, can enhance your skills further. Remember, the key to vocal freedom lies in understanding and applying the right techniques.

Conclusion: Embrace Your Vocal Journey

Mastering high notes is achievable with the right mindset and techniques. By incorporating the cry technique and understanding mix voice, you can unlock new vocal possibilities. Embrace the journey, keep practicing, and most importantly, enjoy the process of discovering your unique voice.

As you continue to explore and refine your singing skills, remember that every effort contributes to your growth as a vocalist. Celebrate your progress and stay committed to your vocal journey.


👀 Secret Mix Voice Training Video:

If you’re a passionate singer, and you're struggling with hoarseness, tension or straining while singing, despite your best effort to sing certain vocal exercises or try to copy the sound of the original artist, I'd like to show you how to sing powerful high notes and expand your range without any straining, tension or hoarseness so that you can sing all of your favorite songs easily and effortlessly.

Even if you typically struggle to practice and train your voice because of a lack of time because you might have other responsibilities (like a job or kids!).

Grab the free secret Mix Voice Training here:


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Ready to sing high notes easily and expand your range fast? Register for this FREE training walking you through the step-by-step process to develop your mix voice: