Releasing Self-Doubt When Singing

mindset Apr 05, 2023

What holds you back from singing? One of the main factors that prevent singers from accomplishing their goals is limiting beliefs (you know, all those fears we have when we sing!).  What can you do about it, though?

In this unique episode, I would love to share a fantastic online event that we had called the Confident Singer Bootcamp. A lot of passionate singers posted their songs in our private community, asked for feedback, and got results by changing one thing in their vocal technique.

In this episode, I’d love to share a little piece of it with you. If you want to be part of the next Confident Singer Bootcamp, sign up for the waitlist here to be the first one notified: 


Overcoming limiting beliefs that hold you back

“The cause is hidden. The effect is visible to all.” - Ovid

We frequently fail to understand why certain people are successful or why they have more confidence in singing than everyone else. Today we are going to discover the causes but we need to lay the groundwork first. It won’t make sense for me to teach you all the various vocal exercises or techniques if you will inhibit your own development.

Let’s compare it to driving a car. Imagine you put the key in the ignition of your car. When you start the engine and step on the accelerator, nothing happens as your hand brake is engaged. It won't be moving as quickly as you would want if you have your hand brake on and are pressing the accelerator at the same time. It doesn't make sense for me to teach you a variety of vocal techniques if you are holding back a part of you just like that car.


So, what might hold you back from achieving your goals?


1. Skills

2. Limiting beliefs 


Limiting beliefs prevent us from making actual progress toward the goals we have set for ourselves. Everyone has limiting beliefs and it is important for us to be conscious that these prevent us from developing as singers.  

Getting rid of these limiting beliefs relies on how we view things, on our perspective. If we can change the way we view things, you will be able to control your thoughts.Our thoughts are powerful!

Picture this: I just sliced a small piece of lemon, and I’m giving it to you. You now have the yellow lemon in your hand and you can see some juice coming out. Now, take a bite and let me know what happens.Whenever I think of biting into a lemon, my mouth starts to water. Was it the same for you? Amazing, right? Our body responds to our thoughts.That’s how powerful are thoughts are?

Now, if you believe that singing a high note is scary, how do you think your body would react? If you keep on thinking that you won’t hit that high note, then there's a good chance that your body will react and tense up. As a result, you're going to be pushing your voices and the result is that the high note, might not come out the way we want it.


How can you get rid of these limiting beliefs and sing confidently?

1. Awareness. Identify your limiting beliefs

2. Choose a new perspective and shift your limiting beliefs.

3. Look for evidence or proof to support this new perspective.

When you think you can’t sing or you think you are not good enough, think again. Change your perspective! Think that YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH. Our brain will find evidence to support that and will more readily accept this new perspective. In doing so, you may actually release the handbrake and further your musical and personal development.


Happy Singing!


Here’s a little gift for you

Always remember to warm up and train your voice consistently. I’d love to share my free vocal warm-up routine for you to get started. Click here to download your copy.

Thank you so much for spending your time with me again, and I look forward to seeing you again next week!