Overcoming (Singing) Anxiety with RRT - with Megan Hillukka

mindset podcast Jul 04, 2024

In today's episode you'll hear from Megan, who shares powerful insights into overcoming anxiety—a common challenge for many singers. Whether you're dealing with performance anxiety or the fear of singing when someone is nearby, Megan’s approach can open new doors to overcoming these fears.

Introducing Megan Hilluka

Megan Hilluka is an RRT specialist with a unique and inspiring story. She’s been married for 13 years and is a mother to eight children, one of whom sadly passed away nearly eight years ago. This heartbreaking experience led Megan to face debilitating trauma and anxiety, sparking her journey into Rapid Resolution Therapy. She now dedicates her life to helping others overcome similar challenges.

Megan and her family recently returned to a “normal” life in Minnesota after traveling the country for two years in a converted school bus—a dream they made a reality. This journey taught her the importance of believing in and pursuing your dreams, no matter how out of reach they may seem.

Understanding Anxiety and Fear

Megan explains that anxiety often stems from our unconscious mind, which operates on a different “train track” than our conscious mind. The unconscious mind is solely focused on survival, scanning for threats and dangers. When it perceives a threat, it triggers anxiety to ensure we pay attention, even if logically, we know there’s no real danger. This misalignment is where Rapid Resolution Therapy comes in.

Three Key Steps to Clearing Anxiety

  1. Awareness: Understanding how anxiety functions is the first step. It’s essential to recognize that anxiety is the result of our mind misinterpreting situations as threats. This awareness helps demystify anxiety and lays the groundwork for healing.

  2. Clearing: Megan describes the clearing process as wiping the foggy glasses of our unconscious mind, allowing it to see clearly and recognize that there is no threat. This step is crucial in aligning the unconscious mind with reality, effectively turning off the anxiety “light switch.”

  3. Communication: Learning how to communicate with our unconscious mind is vital. Megan explains that simply telling ourselves “I am safe” doesn’t work because the unconscious mind doesn’t understand this language. Instead, we need to communicate in ways that the unconscious mind comprehends, often through stories, metaphors, and multi-level communication techniques.

The Power of Rapid Resolution Therapy

Rapid Resolution Therapy, created by Dr. John Connelly, uses multi-level communication to address the root of anxiety. Unlike traditional therapies, RRT is often quick, light-hearted, and highly effective, usually requiring only one or two sessions. Megan emphasizes that while coping mechanisms like meditation and breathwork can be helpful, RRT goes directly to the source, making it a powerful tool for lasting change.

Applying RRT to Performance Anxiety

For singers struggling with performance anxiety, Megan suggests understanding that it’s not the situation itself but how our mind processes it. Two singers can experience the same stage differently—one may see it as a threat while the other sees it as an opportunity for expression. RRT helps reframe these perceptions, allowing the mind to process the situation without triggering anxiety.

Finding an RRT Specialist

For those interested in exploring Rapid Resolution Therapy, Megan recommends visiting the RRT website to find specialists and facilitators. She also offers her expertise, particularly for those dealing with anxiety and trauma. Her upcoming program focuses on providing comprehensive support for overcoming these challenges.

Final Thoughts

Our conversation with Megan Hilluka has shed light on the transformative power of Rapid Resolution Therapy. By understanding and addressing the root causes of anxiety, we can unlock our full potential as singers and individuals. If you’re ready to take the next step in overcoming your fears, consider exploring RRT and connecting with specialists like Megan.

Thank you, Megan, for sharing your insights and expertise. For our listeners, remember that overcoming anxiety is a journey, and with the right tools and support, you can achieve the freedom and confidence you desire.

Want to connect with Megan? Click here to head over to her website: https://www.meganhillukka.com/ 

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