Overcoming "Overwhelm"

mindset May 11, 2023

 Have you ever been overwhelmed when you are practicing singing?

Have you ever self-doubts for repeating the same mistakes over and over?

Have you ever felt so overwhelmed by your workload that it keeps you thinking, "There is so much to do, yet so little time!"

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then this episode will help you deal with frustration and overwhelm when singing. 



What is Overwhelm?

Overwhelm is why some beginner singers stop lessons and keep them from achieving their goals. It breeds self-doubt, and it keeps us from moving forward. It hinders us from moving out of our comfort zone.

Sometimes, when we want to do things beyond our comfort zone, our inner critic makes us feel stressed and stuck. The closer we are to our boundaries, the louder our inner critic gets.

But, instead of dwelling on self-doubt, think of the brighter side. You are capable of overcoming overwhelm. When you feel overwhelmed, it only means you are about to step beyond your comfort zone and achieve your goal.

You have two choices when feeling overwhelmed:

1) Do you listen to your inner critic?

2) Do you listen to your inner Confident Singer? 


You have the freedom to make a choice!

It is essential for beginner singers to regularly push themselves beyond their comfort zones to continue growing as people and artists. When you leave your comfort zone, you develop a new image of yourself as someone who does complex or challenging things. And it opens up a whole new world of risks and opportunities for you to try.

The possibilities are endless!

Because your voice is a muscle, it needs the right exercises, practice sessions, and time to develop. In this FREE training you learn the most important vocal technique to sing without any hoarseness, tension or insecurities: Click here to sign up for free.


Thank you so much for spending more time with me, and I hope to see you again next week!