Letting Go of Doubts and Fears When Singing

mindset Jul 20, 2023

 This week, let's dive into a topic that might resonate with many of us: limiting beliefs and how they can impact our singing abilities. We all dream of hitting those high notes flawlessly or captivating audiences with our powerful voices. However, our thoughts and self-imposed boundaries often keep us from reaching our full potential. But fear not; we're here to explore how limiting beliefs can hinder your progress and discover empowering ways to overcome them.

What is a limiting belief?

Limiting beliefs are those sneaky thoughts that tell us we're not good enough, talented enough, or worthy enough to achieve greatness in our singing. They can arise from past experiences and comparisons with other great singers. These beliefs seep into our subconscious, creating self-doubt and preventing us from exploring our true capabilities.

So, how do we overcome these self-imposed barriers and unlock our singing potential? Let's find out!


Awareness is Key: Start by recognizing and acknowledging your limiting beliefs. Take a moment to reflect on the thoughts that hold you back. Are they rooted in reality or merely assumptions? By becoming aware of these beliefs, you can start challenging their validity. You can ask yourself the following:


So what are my current capabilities? 

What are the new capabilities that I need to develop? 

How can I use those to hit my singing goals?


Embrace Positive Self-Talk: Shift your negative self-talk with positive affirmations. Affirmations are powerful tools to rewire your thinking patterns. Remind yourself daily of your unique strengths, talents, and the progress you've made in your singing journey. Believe in yourself and your ability to improve. Ask yourself the following to start shifting the negative thoughts:


What are the skills that I need?

What skills do I need to develop? 

What should I work on?


Embrace Challenges: Gradually push the boundaries of your comfort zone. If you keep giving in to your limitations, that's what you will keep having. We need to be able to move forward.


Surround Yourself with Supportive Individuals: Seek out a community of like-minded singers or vocal coaches who can provide guidance and encouragement. Surrounding yourself with positive influences and constructive feedback will help you gain confidence and push past your comfort zones.

This all starts by learning the right vocal techniques. If you want to dive deeper into this, then I invite you to watch this bonus training called "Discover the Most Powerful Vocal Technique", click the link to sign up: https://www.singinginsiders.com/30-days-to-better-singing-workshop-opt-in-page 


I want to thank you again for being here with me this week, and I hope to see you again soon.