Discover Your Perfect Singing Genre

inspiration mindset Jun 08, 2023

Have you ever wondered what singing genre suits your voice the best? Do you believe that only one perfect genre fits your voice? Could one voice fit different genres? 

This week, we will explore how to uncover your ideal singing genre and discuss essential vocal techniques to master to excel in that genre. Let's dive in!


Let's shift our perspective. Let's ask ourselves these questions instead:


What genre do you wish to sing?

What genre do you want to excel at? 

Which vocal techniques do you need to grasp to sing in that genre?


In finding your singing genre, having an open mind and embracing versatility is essential. Start by exposing yourself to a wide range of musical genres, from pop, rock, jazz, R&B, folk, classical, and Gospel, to classical and more. 

Next, listen attentively to various artists within each genre. Please take note of the vocal techniques and colors they use. 

Analyze which vocal techniques and colors will guide you to your ideal genre. Allow yourself to connect with the ones that resonate with your voice and evoke emotions within you.

The vocal technique is an integral part of this process. If you need help figuring out where to begin, I have a free training where I share with you the most effective vocal method to, first and foremost, be able to modify that voice color. You can register by clicking this link: 

I hope to see you there, and we will continuously practice these exercises to develop those voice muscles.

I appreciate you taking the time to focus on your vocal development, and I hope to see you again next week!