Discover The Power Of Belting

vocal technique Nov 30, 2023

In this episode you'll discover how to use the technique "belt" to sing high, powerful notes with easy (hello, diva notes!!)

In case you're not familiar, belting is a vocal technique used by powerhouses like Christina Aguilera, Adele, Sam Smith, and the iconic Whitney Houston. It's the secret sauce behind those spine-tingling, powerful high notes we love.

Now, one common pitfall for beginners is mistaking belting for just screaming. Picture this: you hear a Christina Aguilera song, try to copy it, and suddenly, you're unintentionally screaming instead of applying the technique. Not cool! We're here to steer you away from that, as screaming can be harsh on those precious vocal cords.

Another rookie mistake is applying the belt for an extended period in a song. Today, we'll discover that belting is all about finding balance and using the dynamic development of a song to your advantage. Plus, many beginners need to know that belting is a skill you can learn and train. It's not just a magical talent you either have or don't.

I once worked with a singer who believed her voice was too soft, always singing in her head voice, and thought belting was beyond her reach. Guess what? Through some exercises, she learned it's all about training your voice, and that's the gateway to becoming a confident and trained singer.

Now, imagine being the trained singer who effortlessly navigates through various vocal techniques to create the sound they desire – whether it's those high-power notes or the soft, delicate tones. Today, we're diving deep into the world of belting, but trust me, a whole universe of techniques is waiting to be explored.

And here's the exciting part: once you're in that trained and confident singer zone, you can belt longer without straining your vocal cords. No more screaming at the top of your lungs! A trained singer can seamlessly switch between techniques, moving from belt to mix belt and back to mix voice.


Now, I threw a bunch of technical terms your way, but worry not – it's all part of the fun. Belting is just the tip of the iceberg, and if you're starting from scratch, I recommend joining our free training session called "DISCOVER THE MOST POWERFUL VOCAL TECHNIQUE." It's not about belting; we'll be delving into larynx position, a fundamental skill for vocal freedom.


But back to belting – it's more advanced and something you'll explore once you have those foundational skills. So, what is belting? 

I'll sing a snippet without belting and then add the belting magic. Ready?

Press play on the video above to hear and sing along!

(without belting)

🎤 What have I become?

My sweetest friend

Everyone I know goes away

In the end


(And now, the belted version)

🎤 What have I become?

My sweetest friend

Everyone I know goes away

In the end


Did you notice the difference? The belted version has a punch, a volume that's like healthy screaming. And the magic word here is "healthy." We want it loud but not damaging. The secret ingredient? Twang! It's that sharp, bright, maybe even ugly sound and essential for belting.

We're not aiming for 100% twang; it's about finding that sweet spot. I encourage you to add 65% twang, activate your core muscles, project your sound outward, and embrace volume. This is where the magic happens – you're belting!


(65% twang)

🎤 What have I become?

My sweetest friend

Everyone I know goes away

In the end



Don't worry if you're finding it tough; mastering belting is an advanced skill that demands regular practice. The secret is to stay consistent, so feel free to return to this episode and the exercises, gradually allowing the technique to become ingrained in your vocal muscle memory.

I'm thrilled for you – belting is a fantastic technique to work on! Thanks a ton for joining this week. I hope this episode opened a door to the belting world for you. Now, step into that world and master the belt. 


Your time here means the world to me, and I can't wait to see you again soon. Until next week – bye for now! 🎵🎤