What separates the few successful singers from the struggling ones?

mindset Apr 11, 2023

In this unique episode, I would love to share a fantastic online event that we had called the Confident Singer Bootcamp. A lot of passionate singers posted their songs in our private community, asked for feedback, and got results by changing one thing in their vocal technique.

In this episode, I’d love to share a little piece of it with you. If you want to be part of the next Confident Singer Bootcamp, sign up for the waitlist here to be the first one notified: https://www.singinginsiders.com/confident-singer-bootcamp-waitlist 

Let's be honest:

Every passionate singer aspires to become a better singer, right? At one point, we may have asked ourselves this question:

What separates the few successful singers from the struggling ones?

Successful singers are properly exercising their vocals, not because they are singing more than you are.

If you’ve ever considered giving up on your aspirations because you didn't think your singing was good enough, then I believe you can relate to this. 

When I was 14 years old, I prepared to take the exam for the performing art school that I would love to attend. I can still clearly recall feeling quite anxious, stressed out, and uncertain. At that time, I wanted to learn how to sing, dance, act, and perform.

But why should I attend an audition where they decide whether I'm already good? I didn't get it. It didn't sound very rational to me, but, I got through the audition. I was accepted into the school, and a few months later I went to an audition for Belgium's most well-known pop show choir. This is the choir that performs as backup vocals for artists while touring Belgium and the Netherlands.

Again, there was an audition for the choir and it just didn’t make sense to me. In 2014, I got accepted into the vocal performance Bachelor program at the Academy of Contemporary Music. During the program, I realized that there were two groups of people in my class:


1. Those with natural talent and

2. Those who needed to work hard in order to keep up with the talented singers.


I belonged to the latter.


What are the differences between talented singers and trained singers?

Based on my experience, talented singers never had to learn to work hard or be disciplined or be consistent with practice, while the trained singers had to do something in order to develop their voices. This showed that talent only takes you so far and that all of the hard work would eventually pay off.

You don't have to be someone with a natural-born gift or talent in order to be a great singer. All successful singers have one thing in common: they have the right type of vocal training that helped them perform better than singers with natural talent.

The right type of vocal training will have an impact on your life. It will help you overcome your anxiety about being judged by others and grow in confidence at the same time. Your performance improves as your self-assurance grows.

Singing is no different from mastering any other skill, craft, or instrument. Despite what many people might think about how having a good voice is simply an innate talent, it also requires a lot of practice to hone your voice.


First steps to take

So what's that first step you can take to become the TRAINED singer we talked about today? Well, that's training your vocal technique. In this FREE training you learn the most important vocal technique to sing without any hoarseness, tension or insecurities: Click here to sign up for free.


Thank you so much for spending your time with me again, and I look forward to seeing you again next week!