Trusting Yourself As A Singer

inspiration mindset Jul 06, 2023

Have you ever been mesmerized by a singer's captivating voice? Reaching low and high notes without hoarseness, with ease, expressing emotions via melodies, and captivating listeners is lovely. While some naturally possess beautiful voices, it is essential to recognize that even the most talented singers require guidance and support to reach their full potential.

In this episode, we delve into the significance of having a singing coach and the transformative power of trusting yourself as a singer. 

Hiking on a trail is a fitting analogy to describe your singing journey. At the beginning of your trip, there are many people with you. The more you go into the trail, the fewer people are around you. After a few minutes, a bit of panic starts to set in, and we begin to ask ourselves:

Did I miss a turn?

Am I on the right track?

Am I going to survive this?

Is this what I'm supposed to be doing?

Then, finally, you see somebody else willing to guide you, and the feeling of panic disappears. That occasional panicky feeling you could get is similar to what you get while on your singing journey.

We've all experienced fear at some point, and we find someone who can reassure us that we are doing it correctly. If no one immediately comes to mind, know that this is something you can implement. We have a membership for singers so that we can encourage one another.

Alongside having a singing coach, trusting yourself is crucial to your singing journey. Self-doubt can be a significant roadblock for aspiring singers. Trusting yourself allows you to silence the inner critic and believe in your abilities. It gives you the confidence to take risks, explore your vocal range, and push beyond your comfort zone.

Having a singing coach and trusting yourself are two invaluable components of your singing journey. A coach provides guidance, expertise, and personalized instruction, while self-belief empowers you to embrace vulnerability, overcome self-doubt, and persist through obstacles. By combining the wisdom and guidance of a coach with unwavering self-trust, you can unlock your full potential.


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Once again, I appreciate you joining me this week and hope to see you again soon.